Thursday, June 18, 2009

3D Ultrasound 28 weeks

Baby Park's precious little face. I think that these 2 pictures are now my most favorite things in the whole world.

28 week ultrasound pictures

Today we had another ultrasound and it was amazing. Every time Drew and I get to see him/her we both get so excited. Again the baby was very active and moving around. He/she now weighs 3 lbs (which is the 85 percentile). My doctor refers to the baby now as godzilla. I honestly don't care how big it is as long as it is healthy. I also included a picture of the foot, supposedly that is big as well. Now I understand why when it kicks sometimes it takes my breath away.

Monday, June 8, 2009

Kenny Chesney Concert 2009

Drew surprised me with tickets to the Kenny Chesney Concert and it was so much fun. Here are some of the pictures of Rick Pitino's Suite at Papa Johns Stadium and our seats. (Gotta love the pregnant girl holding the beer) Drew thought this would be funny.

Belly Picture Week 25

I haven't posted a belly picture in a while so I thought you all might want to see. You can definitely see the difference from the last picture. In every picture I have been wearing my pre-pregnancy ribbed tanks. As you can see my belly is just about to peek out. Drew thinks that this is awesome.