Sunday, August 30, 2009

Monogram wall

Didn't this turn out cute? I love it!!! Now all I need to know is the sex of the baby so that I can fill in the monogram.

38 1/2 weeks

Aren't I cute? Drew and I decided to go to a wedding last night. I can't believe that I actually agreed to go but I guess I was hoping that any kind of movement at this point will make this baby come out!

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

The Final Stage of Baby Parks Bedroom

I think that the baby room is almost perfect. I still need the bumper pad but have to wait to get it monogramed and have to finish the wall above the rocker. I really love how everything turned out. It is definitely ready for Baby Park.

36 Week Belly Picture

I think that this is absolutely hilarious! The first picture was me at 10 weeks and I thought I was huge. My belly is impressively large at this point and I do look like I am ready to pop. No wonder I am so uncomfortable, I can't wait to get back to my normal size and have this precious little baby in my arms instead of my belly.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Couples Baby Shower

Here are some pictures from our couples baby shower. Everything was perfectly decorated and my favorite thing was the cake. Sooo cute!!! We received tons of gifts and now I feel like we are ready for this baby to come home. Just a couple more weeks!!!!!!

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Belly Picture Week 34

Check out that belly! It has now officially popped out of my shirt.