Sunday, November 3, 2013

A Fun Saturday with mom and dad

Fall Festival at School

                                                   She rode this over and over!!!

                                           There were a few bounce houses there too but she was
                                             way too wild to get a picture!!!
                                               A little boy in Reagan's class that has a crush on her...
                                               he took her hand and mommy about passed out!!!!

Happy Halloween

                                                                   Getting ready....

                                                        Mommy and I had awesome costumes!!!
                                                        Mommy even let me wear make-up

                                                             Having fun with mimaw

                                                          My bucket is getting too heavy
                                              Reagan was very distraught by the skeleton...she
                                              wanted to put him back together!

Trick or Treating at School

                                                               Some of Reagan's friends
                                                 One of the parents built this for the classroom
                                                                   All of the kids loved it!!!

Carving my pumpkin with mommy and daddy

                                                                  That is disgusting!!!!

                                                         Reagan helping mommy with the face

The Pumpkin Patch with my Cousins

                                                                   Beautiful Girls!!!

                                                                          So much fun...

                                                                    Silly Girls!!!

                                                                   On the hay ride